hello.i shall start with yesterday,so i had to go to sch for extra phy lessons.so i decided okay so maybe today i should let down my fringe since its longer.so i met shawn who ran for 67 he ran one busstop lah crazy man,haha and he asked if i cut my hair so i said no i just let my fringe down.i reach sch and so started with pris bwey & pohyee saying ohh you look diff,did you cut your hair.hahah.and during lecture suraj was like OHH i know what you did to your hair,YOU DYED IT right?OH MY,i still have my hair white HELLO.ahaha funny,he didnt see the fact that my fringe is down yet he sees taht my hair is dyed.ha.so later we had training oh boy it was tiring cos of the dumb hot weather.global warming i tell you.the coach came too,so later i went for dinner,with them.haha.interesting night,met someone who was so called famous cos he appeared on animal planet HAH,dont get the joke though.
anyway today had a mini outing with S30 people went to sentosa.was late and was condmned by suraj hahah,and colleen kept laughing in the train.so aft eating we reached sentosa ard 12?not bad what quite early,oh man so colleen decided to use my sunblock lotion and smack LOADS of it on her hand!HAHAH OH MY She looked like a purple alien can,ahah and like it was seriously ALOT.so later we decided to play ball,and suddenly they decided to change it to tr haha,damn funny playing that on the beach.
so we went to the trampoline haha got invited there colleen mas and i were playing and jumping like some kuku nuts man haha but it was fun and you can go real high then we started jumping holding hands and stuff.hahah.then well we were near the water,my dearest colleen made a super random comment,colleen"dont you think the algae is disgusting?" me "why?" colleen "cos it looks like pubic hair like someone died in the sea and their pubic hair fell off and floated around the sea.dont you think so?" OHHHH MYYY .HAHAHAHAH DAMN FUNNY LAH,oh so we played sat around and stuff,till the guys decided it would be a smart idea throwing sand at us lah,so started a sand war seriously lahh,i had sand everywhere.esp in my hair,and the one who started it all,dongkai!i mean seriously we were just happily playing with the nice sand till they came attacking like suddenly someone shouts."CHIIONNGG!" and they all run out splatting wet sand on our poor bodies HAHAH.BLAHH so we went to bathe,and it was so scarriing some chinese aunty started stripping beside me lah when i was packing like she was NAKED OH MY SO SCARRING so i ran to colleen and told her and mas we were all scarred.:/ so later went back mas was emo-ing.itell you mas,MAKE HIM GUILTY (: and be strong!:D.
so while waiting for the guys to bathe we took pics,lotsa pics,haha then left to vivo for dinner we had carls junior nice food.then when the food came our dearest colleen again,
colleen"excuse me can i have four packets of chilli"
innocent man"okay need more?anything else?"
colleen "yes mayo and i think we need more chillin bern you want more chilli?okay more chilli more,"
innocent man"ha oh okok,this much can?"
colleen"errr actually...okay lahhh cann can,ehh whats in that pocket is it mayo?"
innocent man"no its tomato you want?"
colleen"ohh really meh?,wah his pocket like a magician ehh"
haha then went off stood at some palce took pics then we got balloons!yes we did.haha.then i came home,took 963 with colleen eugenes dk and bwey,waited with collen for the bus haha took pics again shes damn funny lah she but i love her,and mas too of course.fun day,today.BUT not to forget sadly pris cant come but we all love her too AHAH,(:real tiring day though,strong feeling i'd be sick tmr!(: